Texel loom

Starting ideas on the texel loom

I have threaded a texel loom with a cream cotton warp as I know it is a strong yarn and creates neat/clear designs. I have begun to use a simple weave called distorted weft to create the look that the yarn is bending, using a thick yarn I experimented creating a denser design and effect.

Further texel loom designs
I have continued the experiment with the distorted weft design using different yarns and different size lengths between the change over of patterns. I have also started to experiment with different designs to create a distorted pattern and illusion designs. Here are some of my samples.

Experimentation on the texel
This week I have continued my experimentation of weaves on the texel loom attempting to create distortion and illusions within my work. The pattern bellow was originally a circle that is infilled using floats however due to the threading of my loom it has created a distorted pattern, I particularly like the back of my sample (shown in the second image) the two slightly different patterns repeated creates a 3D pleated effect.


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